corporAID Multilogue
corporAID Multilogue: E-Learning in der Fachkräftequalifizierung. Chancen und Grenzen in Emerging...
WKO Wien, Raum 2 (plus online via YouTube)
Freuen Sie sich u.a. auf Beiträge von Florian Sereinigg, Team Leader E-Learning bei KNAPP Human Resources sowie Barbara Geyer, Leiterin des Studiengangs E-Learning und Wissensmanagement an der FH Burgenland.
corporAID Webevent Impact Investment
corporAID Webevent: Impact Investment
online, 02.02.2022
Freuen Sie sich auf u. a. Beiträge von Uli Grabenwarter, Deputy Director Equity Investments European Investment Fund (EIF) (Keynote) und Michael Wancata, Vorstand OeEB.
corporAID Webevent
Open Innovation for SDG-Impact
online, 24. November 2021
Der corporAID Multilogue zeigt, wie Unternehmen mit Open Innovation einen Wettbewerbsvorteil aufbauen und gleichzeitig zur Bewältigung komplexer Herausforderungen im Kontext der SDG beitragen können. Anhand internationaler Good Practice Beispiele werden die Erfolgsfaktoren von Open Innovation Strategien diskutiert und reflektiert, wie Unternehmen damit speziell auf den Bedarf nach innovativen Lösungen in Entwicklungsländern reagieren können.
corporAID Konferenz
Webevent: Global Green Recovery
online, 26. und 27. Jänner 2021
Wie eine Global Green Recovery in Schwellen-und Entwicklungsländern aussehen kann und welche Chancen für österreichische Unternehmen entstehen, steht im Fokus der diesjährigen corporAID Konferenz.
corporAID Webevent
Webevent: Resuming Business in Emerging Markets: India
online, 1. Oktober 2020
The corporAID web event „Resuming Business in Emerging Markets: India“ shed light on companies’ mitigation strategies in times of covid-19 in India and the chances this crisis entails for sustainable development and resilience in the business context.
corporAID Webevent
Resuming Business in Emerging Markets: Latin America
online, 2. September 2020
The first part of the corporAID webevent-series “Resuming business in emerging markets” offered insights into Latin America and discussed how Austrian companies can take opportunities that not only help them to recover more quickly from the crisis, but at the same time have an impact on issues like climate change and sustainable development.
corporAID Web-Multilogue
Webevent-Series: Resuming Business in Emerging Markets
The corporAID event series “Resuming business in emerging markets” will offer insights into Latin America, India and South East Asia and discuss how Austrian companies can take opportunities that not only help them to recover more quickly from the crisis, but at the same time have an impact on issues like climate change and sustainable development.
corporAID Webevent
Doing Business in Africa: Collaboration in the new normality
Wien, 13. Mai 2020
The corporAID web-multilogue “Collaboration in the new normality” looked at why it will be worth to rethink economic collaboration between Africa and Europe.
corporAID Webevent
Doing Business in Africa: Managing the new VUCA world
Wien, 15. April 2020
The corporAID web-multilogue “Managing the new VUCA world” looked at what European companies can learn from Africa’s entrepreneurs with regards to management in times of crisis and anticipation of a challenging future.
corporAID Webevent
Doing Business in Africa: Connecting with Start-ups
Wien, 1. April 2020
The web-multilogue series Doing Business in Africa offered tangible insights into relevant success factors and discussed how entrepreneurs can react and adapt to specific challenges and demands. Connecting with start-ups was part one of this event series, and connected the audience directly with a successful start-up entrepreneur in Kigali, Rwanda.