corporAID Vision
Globalization has intensified economic relations between European companies and developing countries. Global networking has opened up new and unprecedented perspectives. Companies are playing an increasingly important role for emerging and developing countries in both economic and social terms.
In a globalized world, the social responsibility of every company also has a global dimension. Every action, whether by an individual or a company, can have a global impact on people and the environment. That’s a big responsibility – and an even bigger opportunity.
Integrating social responsibility into one’s management strategy can be a challenge for any company – regardless of its size. The important thing is to take the first step. The corporAID platform supports companies in taking this first step and beyond – through information and networking.
Our goals
- Increase the development benefits and efficiency of activities and linkages of Austrian companies in and with developing countries and thus strengthen the contribution of Austria and the Austrian business community to the achievement of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Promote a business-oriented understanding of development cooperation and increase awareness of the complementarity between business and development
- To promote the formation of solution-oriented alliances between companies to address individual SDG sub-goals in the context of their business operations and/or value chains in developing countries
- Contribute to the improvement of the framework conditions in Austria for companies that are or want to become active in emerging and developing countries with a view to contributing to the SDGs